About Me | 關於石甫






先後出任:加拿大當代藝術聯盟主席、(加拿大)中國文化藝術研究所所長、大多倫多文化中心藝術顧問、迦國書道院院長、「國際藝術新聞網 」中國藝術中心主任等。


他集書畫雕刻影像于一體,在壽山石意象微刻實踐中,照見微觀世界中視而不見的藝術元素與刻符意象,結合40多年踐行的書道經驗,參"二調三色"為構成元素,把馬家窰彩陶、雲水紋樣、圖騰符號、教堂彩窗、敦煌壁畫,以及三星堆臉譜等靈意符紋,提煉為視覺語言。同時,吸收了拉比畫派始祖高更(Paul Gauguin )的象徵性,抽象畫之父康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky) 的神秘性,形而上畫聖蒙德里安(Piet Mondrian )的純粹性,書法畫禪克萊恩(Franz Kline)的抽象性以及行動畫鼻祖波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的隨意性。以非具象的宗教般的信念藝術語言,成功地將書道與當代藝術美學、哲學、神學熔於一爐,自然地東方陰陽之道與西方太初之道融為一體。巧妙地解構形象、溶鑄理念、激活意象,避開時空世界的物象、形式和錯覺,攀登形而上界,去直接觀照宇宙的真相,從而真正地認識本我。 成功地開辟出一條信念藝術之路,被譽為當代意象藝術的開拓者。因他只憑意念,不用顯微鏡,能在壽山石上,以頭髮之微,刻經五千多字;被行家譽為"聖手神雕"。 


因其意象作品的獨特性與開創性,故被美國前總統雷根、琴箏大師梁在平、「棋聖」聶衛平、書畫篆刻大師韓天衡等專家及學術機構收藏;Ritchies Auctioneers拍賣行曾特為其專設拍賣。 








JenZ Shifu 


Iconographic Artist / Curator


Shifu is a Chinese-Canadian artist who has created a distinctive non-representational art form called “Iconography”, Yixiang Hua, where Chinese ink art, modern painting, and micro-engraving, collages are all constituting parts of his artistic creation.


Shifu had been part of the “Artistic Wave” or avant-garde of the mid-80's in China. And before settling down in Toronto in 1993, he had already been granted a Member of the prestigious Calligraphy Association of China for his calligraphy artwork. His calligraphy pieces were published by the highest caliber art-publishing house in China, Rongbao Zhai, and were  collected by art galleries in China as well as around the world. 


Shifu’s “iconography" marries tradition and innovation of the East and the West, profiting from the mastery of Chinese calligraphy and the miraculous skill of micro-engraving. It uses three primary colours and variations of black and white tone from Chinese ink as his constructing palette, taking inspirations from the ancient Majiayao coloured-pottery motifs, totem designs, as well as stained- glassworks, etc. to form the totality of his aesthetic language. His iconographic work, often in the form of collages, embraces and blends the Chinese Tao of Yin Yang with the Word of Cosmic Oneness found in the origin of Western thought. In short, Shifu’s artistic creations dwell heavily in aesthetics, philosophy and theology; as such, they are as much the travail of a philosopher as that of a painter.


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